
Saturday, November 1, 2008


Just enough time to write a quick entry before I head to the beach...what's happened the past few days? Lets see...Thursday, Matt and I went to Chatsworth and that was an incredible experience. The residents are currently upgrading the homes and are working with the municipality. We were welcomed into the community. The Women's Committee seemed interested in my photography and I am going back for a meeting tomorrow. I've also finally heard back from Sizani with a contact for HBC groups and another contact at the US Consulate is going to meet with me sometime this week. Things are looking up.

Friday we went out with the Director of the Durban Art Gallery, Bongani, and had a wonderful time. He's awesome and invited us to stay in the extra room he has, which I hope was sincere because last night we woke up and there were roaches in bed with us. Ick.

It stopped raining yesterday so I was finally able to go to the beach. Had 2 major attacks of hiccups yesterday but I've made it through!!! Spent most of the day nursing a hangover with Matt and we looked at flats to rent for the next two months but to no avail. I'll have to comment more on our experience with that later, suffice to say I was horrified.

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