
Friday, October 17, 2008


Choosing my words carefully.  So carefully, as if they hang before me in the air - delicately.  And I pluck them one by one...

I realize that I am often alone, when I am without the man I love.  It is not that I cannot have friends.  I am told, in fact, that I am quite charming.  It is my tolerance that betrays me.

My mother swarms around me, an angry gnat, persistent.  It will not leave me alone.  When I am angry at her, I often feel remorse and approach her to lay a hand on her head, as if she were a child.  She so desperately seeks my attention, any attention.  Attention that I generally deny her, only half-listening. And she, naturally, does the same to me.  I wonder, was it I who conditioned her to be this way or she who conditioned me.

Anais Nin writes..."Henry made a monster of June because he has a monster-creating mind.  He is a madman.:  I check the time today obsessively, as if I cannot wait for the day to be over, to be forgotten.  Perhaps I am monster-creating within myself? Within others? Within situations, permutations, seeking complications? Destroying my image to others, destroying others. Why is it that every female I have loved has left me?  Is it I who loves too fiercely or, perhaps, I don't know how to love at all?  Mercilessly, I want to hurt them.  Slap them, bite them, push them as if we were schoolchildren.

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